Fundraising for Haiti - Donate to Haiti

Haiti's Relief Fund: Hurricane Matthew Fundraiser

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Haiti's Map

Haiti's Map

Haitian Mangoes

Haitian Mangoes
2016 Hurricane Matthew uprooted many mango trees

Haiti's Map

Haiti's Map

Friday, July 4, 2008

NanTibo Hike: Travels to Haiti's Flora and Fauna: Listening to Nature Under a Shade Tree on a Hot Day

Hiking to NanTibo, to the top of the mountains overlooking the ocean below. In the midst of this tropical beauty lie poverty andthe highest illiteracy rate. Children are not in school. Those who go to school do not get the best education because teachers are not getting paid. Children are the future of Haiti. They need help with their school supplies and proper nutrition to be able to make it.

If you want to help, you can go to Sponsorandfeedachild to make your contribution to a good cause.

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