Fundraising for Haiti - Donate to Haiti

Haiti's Relief Fund: Hurricane Matthew Fundraiser

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Haiti's Map

Haiti's Map

Haitian Mangoes

Haitian Mangoes
2016 Hurricane Matthew uprooted many mango trees

Haiti's Map

Haiti's Map

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

iPhone Service in Haiti: Continue to Use iPhone There or Use local Plan Phone?

Question:"I will be moving to Les Cayes, Haiti for about one year this May. I have an iPhone with a shared family plan with my mom and sister. Do you know if I'll get service there with my phone or would it be better to buy a new phone there to use or get a different plan, etc. Please do not just tell me to check ATT's website, I have done that already and couldn't find the information I needed."

Answer: Yes, your iphone will get service anywhere you go, but get ready to pay high fees if you are not on the international plan with AT&T. You should be able to discuss this issue with your AT&T clerk. Make sure you get coverage for ATT's international plan if you feel you have to use it while living there. Based on my own experience, it will be better and cost effective to get a phone when you arrive in Haiti. If cost is not the problem for you, then keep using the iPhone there. If you want to have more money in your pockets, get a local phone. Then, sign up with

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